Pokemon Emerald Slot Machine Trik


The following guide contains information on EV training in Pokemon Emerald. It will tell you all the necessary items you will need and where to get them. This guide also covers how to calculate your gained EVs and the hotspots for EV training in certain stats.

Frequently Encountered Pokemon for EV Training

Slot machine trick pokemon blue Stand on see which may be honest - super effective against psychic. According to 20 d is an easy experience points out to stop a statue to oblivion. Below are the encounter tables for Emerald. The different encounter methods are linked at the bottom of the box.

PokemonLocationAppearance RateEVs
WhismurRusturf Tunnel100%1
PoochyenaRoute 10140%1
CarvanhaRoute 118, Route 11960% (Fishing)1
ShuppetMt. Pyre (Floors 1-3)100%1
Special Defense
TentacoolAbandoned Ship99% (Surfing), 80% (Fishing: Super Rod)1
TentacruelAbandoned Ship1% (Surfing), 20% (Fishing: Super Rod)2
ZubatCave of Origin (Cave)90%1
GolbatMeteor Falls65% (Inner Cave), 90% (Inner Cave Surfing)2

Hotspots for EV Training over Multiple Pokemon

PokemonLocationAppearance RatesEVs
Loudred, Whismur, DittoDesert Underpass16%, 34%, 50% (100% to gain HP EVs)2, 1, 1
Shuppet, Poochyena, MightyenaRoute 12130%, 20%, 20% (70% to gain Attack EVs)1, 1, 2
Graveler, Geodude, TorkoalMagma Hideout15%, 50%, 35% (Inside Cave) (100% to gain Defense EVs)2, 1, 2
Special Attack
Spinda, SlugmaRoute 11395%1
Special Defense
Lombre, Lotad, SwabluRoute 11420%, 30%, 40% (90% to gain Special Defense EVs)2, 1, 1
Zigzagoon, Electrike, Wingull, Linoone, ManectricRoute 11830%, 30%, 19%, 10%, 10% (99% to gain Speed EVs)1, 1, 1, 2, 2

Macho Brace

The Macho Brace is an item that will make EV training slightly easier because it doubles the EVs you gain in battle.

Where do you find the Macho Brace?
The Macho Brace can be obtained from the Winstrate's House on Route 211 right above Mauville.


Pokerus is another handy tool in EV Training because it doubles the amount of EVs you gain in battle as well. The downside of Pokerus is that it is extremely hard to find.

Pokemon Emerald Slot Machine Trike

How do you get the Pokerus
Pokerus can be found by battling wild Pokemon in the grass and capturing a wild Pokemon infected with Pokerus. When infected with Pokerus, there will be a purple 'PKRS' sign in the status screen of the Pokemon. Pokerus will stay until the game's clock reaches midnight. Once the game hits midnight the Pokemon will be cleared of Pokerus and will no longer be able to infect others with it but it will still gain double the amount of EVs. Pokemon kept in the PC or Daycare with Pokerus will keep the infection as long as you do not withdraw them.

Secret Base EV Training

Pokemon Emerald Slot Machine Trik

In Pokemon Emerald you can mix records with any other Pokemon Emerald, Ruby, or Sapphire game. Mixing records requires you to either have two of the above game cartridges and two Game Boy Advances, or know someone with them, which makes it a little harder to do. After mixing records, if you go to the location of your friend's Secret Base you mixed records with you can enter it. Inside will be an NPC and they will have the Pokemon party that your friend had at the time you mixed records. You can use this method by having your friend have a party of Pokemon who give 3 EVs in one stat, making EV training a lot easier and faster. Note that you need to have beaten the Elite Four for this to work and these battles can only be done once a day.

Ditto EV Training

In Pokemon Emerald, Ditto can be found in the Desert Underpass. Ditto can be used as a handy EV training tool and here is how. First you put the Pokemon you want EV trained in the first slot and a Pokemon who yields 3 EVs in the stat in which you're EV training in your party. Once you have encountered a Ditto switch to the Pokemon who yields 3 EVs, let Ditto transform into that Pokemon, and then KO the Ditto with the Pokemon you're EV training. The Pokemon you're EV Training has now gained 3 easy EVs.

All Possible EV Calculations

  • 1 EV + Macho Brace = 2 EVs
  • 1 EV + Pokerus = 2 EVs
  • 1 EV + Macho Brace + Pokerus = 4 EVs
  • 2 EVs + Macho Brace = 4 EVs
  • 2 EVs + Pokerus = 4 EVs
  • 2 EVs + Macho Brace + Pokerus = 8 EVs
  • 3 EVs + Macho Brace = 6 EVs
  • 3 EVs + Pokerus = 6 EVs
  • 3 EVs + Macho Brace + Pokerus = 12 EVs
Shiny Surfing Pikachu:

Pokemon Red Slots Trick

SlotThese codes will work for ARv3. Pikachu will appear in the PC in Box 1 Slot 1 so have it cleared out. The Pikachu is a male shiny, plus he has the Pokevirus and is holding a Thunderstone. Not mention that he knows Surf

Master code:
D8BAE4D9 4864DCE5
A86CDBA5 19BA49B3

B2809E31 3CEF5320
1C7B3231 B494738C

Shiny Surfing Pikachu:
68440875 1294F4C7
E2702D51 7857D4A2
5532444E FB0EC2C8
104A2E42 2FC10729
0ACA1C25 59581547
5DE29DD6 0522808C
4C85F805 D4D81161
D1CA28FB 6A484B97
7EC6BAF3 09913FD9
86F5C1E5 7475D388
C2E72EC2 DA050395
A558CE58 6D635E8C
9680E4DC A63ECE80
8978D5E9 40201EC5
4959B033 57A3BE6F
CDA2757A 59D4E30F
2F5E8D77 A6B7A47C
09A2B831 C04D0404
DB5D9FDC D75F0120
33D21DC8 5880655F

Find Kyogre and Groudon:
To get Kyogre Groudon after deafeating the pokemon legue go to the weather institute and talk to the scientist upstairs he will say 'Ive been tracking weather patterns and have found that some rain/sun has started on route'. Go to the route and if he said rain the route will be in the sea and sun on land if you end in the sea you will find a diving patch that isnt normaly there and a cave that isnt normaly there if on land the sea one is called marine cave and the land one is called molten cave In molten cave you will find Groudon and in marine cave you will find Kyogre.

Find Deoxys:
After beating elite 4 go to Mosdeep City and go to the space center and talk to 1 guy and you will see a Deoxys there.

Get Ice Sculpture:
Beat all The Pokemon Contest on Master Rank.

The pokeblock trick:
When your about to feed your prised pokemon have you ever noticed the flavor thing in the corner? Well, it has a reason. Look closly and when you see the pokeblock with a color on the side of the flavor, thats what the pokemon will get. Red: Spicy, Cool
Blue: Beauty
Green: Smart
Yellow: Sour, Tough
Pink: Cute

Pokemon Crystal Slot Machine

Mirage Island:
1st empty all Pokemon in evey box in no1 slot.This is important as this will place a mirage island Pokemon in any 1 box in possition 1.

1st master code on and Anti-DMA: must be on the Pokemon you will get will be a shinny Feebas level 20.When you get your Feebas put it in your party and save the game now turn it off and this time

Master code must be on
Anti-DMA must be on
Mirage Island must be on

Start the game with these 3 codes on then fly to Pasifilog town speak to the old man and as long as you got this Feebas he WILL SEE Mirage Island.

Master code:
D8BAE4D9 4864DCE5
A86CDBA5 19BA49B3

B2809E31 3CEF5320
1C7B3231 B494738C


This is the code to go to Mirage Island:
4E629017 EAD5914E

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This is the pokemon code:
6DB75116 962137AE
E2702D51 7857D4A2
A67AF9B7 B191ED2C
0ACA1C25 59581547
5DE29DD6 0522808C
DADA8EC5 184F28E9
976F2F34 0749E999
2D065875 F8D73C15
51F6D167 943BE7E5
B08BBEF2 86537602
6A8AC2DB F616E388
692A2385 B4640E96
C3557019 31990B8F
E5018D00 95C856E8
56EEA670 FC815FBE
3C16C91D C3A46156
787BABC1 EF880C0B
7E1BF571 1778DFBB

How to catch Smeargle:
Smeargle will be found at artistian cave This is near the sodowodoo in the battle fortnier Use the wailmer pail on THE ODD LOKKING TREE an old lady mentions. The tree is really a sodowodoo. Catch the pokemon or make it faint. Move front and surf down the waterfall. Head left until you reach a cave entrance. This is artistian cave. Lots of smeargles can be found there lv 40.

How to clone pokemon:
1.Go to Battle Frontier then go to Battle Tower.
2.Go to PC.
3.Pick Lanette's PC move any pokemon you want to clone on a empty box.
4.Save game and withdraw the pokemon.
5.Go to the multi battle lady.
6.Pick either LV.50 OR OPEN LEVEL.
7.Pick any pokemon but not the one you are going to clone.
8.She tells you if you want to save.
9.You pick Yes.
10.Press L,R,A,B,SELECT,START to reset the game.
11.Check the pc.
12.You just cloned a pokemon
13.You can also clone master balls,rare candy,and ect as long as the pokemon is holding the item when clone.

More Pokemon Emerald Slot Machine Trick Videos

Get to Battle Frontier:
To get to the Battle Frontier you must defeat the Elite Four with Pokemon only with your ID number after you defeat them, you will get a ticket from your father to get to the Battle Frontier. The Battle Frontier is another region with fourteen more badges to collect.

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Clone Pokemons:
Go to the battle frontier. Go to the battle tower. Logon to the PC. Make sure BOX 9 is empty. Deposit the Pokemon you want to clone into Box 9. Exit the PC and Save the game. Withdraw the same pokemon you just deposited. Go to the lady to your far right. Start a battle, make sure it is an Open-Level Battle. Select any 2 pokemon but do not select the Pokemon you wish to clone When the lady starts saving your game you will notice a Pause before the game is saved wait 5 seconds. Turn off your Gameboy at that point Reboot your game. In your party the original pokemon will be there. But in the empty box you will find the cloned pokemon.

Mystery Gift option:
Enter any Pokemon Mart and go to the clipboard that is by the shop keeper on the counter. Take the survey and enter in the words 'LINK TOGETHER WITH ALL'. The man will then alert you that you can now have access to the Mystery Gift option, after saving. To make it easier to find the word you are looking for, press Select, which will take you to A-Z mode, then select the a letter to bring up a list of words, beginning with the first letter of the word that it begins with.